Digital Archives Initiative
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A Collection of Limited-Run Newfoundland and Labrador Newspapers
A Collection of Periodicals from the Centre for Newfoundland Studies
Adelphian (St. Bonaventure's College)
Agnes Marion Ayre Herbarium Artwork
Alex Stacey Newsclippings Collection
Among the Deep Sea Fishers
Annual Publications of Newfoundland and Labrador
Archives - Digitized Collections
Association of Canadian Map Libraries
Association of Midwives of Newfoundland and Labrador Newsletter
Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives Bulletin
Atlantic Advocate
Atlantic Guardian magazine
Bay Roberts Guardian 1910-1949 (1,366 Issues)
Bell Island (Stacey) House Photos
Bell Island Reporter 1958-1966 (140 Issues)
Bonne Bay Historical Archive
Bowater Oral History Collection
Cap and Gown Yearbook of Memorial University
Captain Kevin Keegan Papers Coll-474
Caribou 1980-1987 (50 Issues)
Carol Link 1965-1969 - Carol News 1970-1971 (267 Issues)
Carpenter Family Fonds
Centre d'études franco-terreneuviennes Collection
Chinese Community in Newfoundland
CITL Master Video Collection
CITL MUN Archive Video Collection (pre 1994)
Collegian yearbook of Prince of Wales College
Colonial Papers (Colonial Office 194 series, D'Alberti papers, Despatches)
Colonist 1886-1892 (1,896 Issues)
Commemorating Dr. Arthur May
Community-University Research for Recovery Alliance (CURRA)
Contemporary Legend
Creative Voices- Oral Histories of the Arts Community in Newfoundland & Labrador
Culture & Tradition
Curriculum Guides
DAI Launch
Daily Mail 1923-1924 (465 Issues)
Daily News 1894-1980 (25,216 Issues)
David Francis Collection Coll-494
Decks Awash magazine
Decks Awash Photographs
Decorative Nineteenth Century Trade Bindings
Dictionary of Newfoundland English Word Form Database
Digital Books from the Centre for Newfoundland Studies
Digitized Articles from the Centre for Newfoundland Studies
Digitized Collections from the Folklore and Language Archive
Digitized Maps from the Centre for Newfoundland Studies
Digitized Maps from the Queen Elizabeth II Library Map Room
Digitized Sound Recordings from the Centre for Newfoundland Studies
Digitized Videos from the Centre for Newfoundland Studies
Diocesan Magazine
Disability Rights Newfoundland and Labrador
Don Walsh Fonds
Dr. Cluny Macpherson Notebooks
Dr. Nigel Rusted Fonds
Early Days Exhibit - M.A.V.S., Faculty Recruitment Photographs, 1976
Early Days Exhibit - Memorial University Medical Graduates' 10th Anniversary Photographs, 1983
Early Days Exhibit - St. John's, Faculty Recruitment Photographs, 1976-1977
Early Days of Memorial University's Medical School, 1967-1979
Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador
Evening Advocate (Mail and Advocate) 1914-1924 (3,154 Issues)
Evening Chronicle 1907-1912 (1,551 Issues)
Evening Herald (Evening Mercury) 1882-1920 (10,958 Issues)
Evening Telegram 1879-1972 (27,393)
F.W. Peacock Inuttitut Language Publications
Feildian yearbook of Bishop Feild College
Finding Aid to Digitized Audio Recordings from the Folklore and Language Archive (MUNFLA) Collection
Finding Aids - Founders' Archive EAD
Finding Aids of the Archives and Special Collections
Fishermen's Advocate 1924-1980 (2,878 Issues)
Folklore Publications
FOMOWA Fishing Club fonds
Forbes Family fonds
Frances Cluett Collection (Coll-174)
Free Press 1903-1929 (717 Issues)
Gauntlet Press of Richard Outram and Barbara Howard
Gauntlet Press Postscript
Geography Collection of Historical Photographs of Newfoundland and Labrador (Coll-137)
Greenspond Collection
Greenspond Letter of the Greenspond Historical Society
Grenfell Mission Photograph Album
H.M. Dawe Photograph Collection
Handbooks to the Course of Study
Harbor Grace Standard 1859-1934 (3,134 Issues)
Haystack Reunion Photograph Collection
Health Sciences Centre Construction Photographs, 1971-1977
Health Sciences Centre Official Opening Photographs, 1978
Health Sciences Library - Books
HMS Calypso fonds
ICH - Avalon
ICH - Central
ICH - Eastern
ICH - Knowledge and Practices Concerning Nature and the Universe
ICH - Knowledge and Skills to Produce Traditional Crafts
ICH - Labrador
ICH - Oral Traditions and Expressions
ICH - Other Materials
ICH - Performing Arts
ICH - Social Practices, Rituals and Festive Events
ICH - Western Newfoundland
Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory - Update
International Grenfell Association Lantern Slides Collection
International Labour and Radical History Pamphlet Collection
Irish Christian Brothers
James Howley Geological Survey of Newfoundland Field Books
James Robert Andersen Collection
James Ryan Ltd. Diaries, Bonavista
James Ryan Ltd. Diaries, King's Cove
James Ryan Ltd. Diaries, Trinity
Job Kean Collection (Coll-339)
Job Photograph Collection
Journal of Occurrences at Griquet, French Shore
kinatuinamot illengajuk
Labrador Innu Myths and Legends
Labrador Inuit through Moravian Eyes
Labrador Moravian - Moraviamiut Labradorime
Labrador Moravian Church Registers
Labrador West Dust Study
Le Gaboteur 1984-2011 (27 Volumes)
Lebanese-Newfoundland Collection
Lester Barbour Collection (Coll-209)
Lester Diaries
Library Links
Lieutenant Buchan's expedition to the Exploits River, January 1811
Lore and Language
Lubrano Collection of Broadside Ballads
Lung Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Publications, 1943-1986
Marine Institute
Marine Institute - Ship Drawings
Marine Institute Archival Photographs
Material Culture Review
Memorial University Administration - Events
Memorial University Calendars
Memorial University Folklore and Language Archive Song Title Index
Memorial University Libraries Publications
Memorial University Libraries Research Data
Memorial University Medical Faculty and Staff, Temporary Buildings, Photographs, 1969-1979
Memorial University Medical Library Photographs, 1969-1979
Memorial University of Newfoundland Convocation
Memorial University's Medical Faculty Recruitment Photographs, 1976-1977
Mercantile Navy list and Maritime directory
Miawpukek Mi'kmawey Prayer Book
Moravian Mission Records
Moravian Missions An Illustrated Record of Missionary Work
Morning Chronicle
Morning Courier 1844-1878 (3,252 Issues)
Morning Post
Moses Harvey Photograph Collection (COLL-041)
Mouseion - Classical Views - Echos du Monde Classique
MUN Gazette 1968-2016 (1021 Issues)
MUNMED Magazine
Muse 1950-2017 (1,438 Issues)
Nachrichten aus der Bruedergemeine
Newfoundland and Labrador 50+ Federation Inc.
Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association Publications, 1958-2008
Newfoundland and Labrador Performing Arts Posters (Coll-143)
Newfoundland and Labrador Performing Arts Programs and Handbills (Coll-138)
Newfoundland Bulletin
Newfoundland Christmas Annuals
Newfoundland Express
Newfoundland Gazette 1925-1982 (3,052 Issues)
Newfoundland Historic Trust Digitized Books
Newfoundland House of Assembly and Legislative Council Documents
Newfoundland Medical Association Publications, 1958-2008
Newfoundland Mercantile Journal 1816-1827 (376 Issues)
Newfoundland National Convention
Newfoundland Quarterly
Newfoundland Weekly 1924-1932; 1940-1941 (424 Issues)
Newfoundland Yearbook and Almanac
NL Books - Early Imaginative Literature by Women
NL Books - General
NL Books - Reference Sources, Directories, Etc.
NL Books(2) - General
NL Images
Northern Medicine and Health Conference, Newfoundland and Labrador, Photographs, 1977
Northern Reporter 1966-1992 (760 Issues)
NTA Bulletin
NTA Journals
Observer's Weekly 1934-1962 (1,443 Issues)
Occupied St John's: A Social History of a City at War, 1939-1945 Interviews
Opening of the New Campus of Memorial University of Newfoundland
Otto Kelland Boat Models
Patriot And Terra-Nova Herald 1833-1890 (2,345 Issues)
Periodical Accounts of the Moravian Missions
Peyton Family Collection Land Surveys (Coll-150- Series 7)
Postscript - a journal of graduate criticism and theory
Program of Studies
Public Ledger 1827-1869 (4,210 Issues)
Rare Books
Rare Books and Special Collections - Bibliographies
Regional Language Studies - Newfoundland periodical
Reminiscences Of Forty-Two Years Of Exploration In And About Newfoundland
Report of the President of Memorial University
Reuben Carpenter fonds
Rev. Dr. Lester Burry Photograph Collection
Robert Bond Collection (Coll-237)
Robert Carter Journals
Robert D. Denham Collection
Rorke Family fonds
Rossley Kiddie Company (COLL-472)
Royal Readers, The
S.J. Carew Photograph Collection (Coll-012)
Salvage Fisherman's Museum Community Resources Collection
School of Music Concert Programs
Slade and Kelson Diaries
Smallwood, Joseph R. - Audio and Visual Recordings
Smallwood, Joseph R. - Photographs
Society of United Fishermen Lodge No. 2, Winterton Collection
St. John's Daily News 1860-1870 (2,333 Issues)
St. John's Daily Star 1915-1921 (1,738 Issues)
St. Patrick's Hall School Collection
Statutes of Newfoundland
Stories of Early Occupational Therapy in Newfoundland and Labrador
Temperance Journal 1878-1887 (163 Issues)
Terra Nova Advocate 1875-1890 (1,260 Issues)
The Angelus
The Barrelman Radio Program Papers
The Bib and Apron
The Diaries of Howard Leopold Morry
The Monitor
The Scope 2006-2013 (147 Issues)
The Telegraph 1856-1875 (975 Issues)
The Trident
Times And General Commercial Gazette 1832-1895 (5,715 Issues)
Trade News. Canada
Trinity Enterprise 1909-1917, 1934, 1938, 1946 (85 Issues)
Twillingate Sun 1880-1953 (2,080 Issues)
Uncommon Bonds - Labrador Inuit and Moravian Missionaries
United Church Archives (The Water Lily)
Visual Arts Graduate Catalogue (Grenfell Campus)
Weekly Herald And Conception-Bay General Advertiser 1845-1854 (483 Issues)
Western Star 1900-1985 (12,926 Issues)
Whale Release and Strandings Program Reports
William Sweetland Diary
Wilson Vardy Diaries
Winning Entries in the Arts and Letters Competition
Wooden Boat Museum of Newfoundland and Labrador
World War I Artifacts (WWI)
Historical language statement
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