Annual Publications of Newfoundland and Labrador
Accounts of the St. John's Municipal Council (46 Reports)
Annual Reports Mental Health Services Newfoundland (2 Reports)
Annual Reports Newfoundland and Labrador Power Commission (7 Reports)
Births, Marriages and Deaths in the Province of Newfoundland (80 Reports)
Board of Trade (26 Reports)
Bowater Organisation (11 Reports)
British Newfoundland Corporation Limited (24 Reports)
Canadian Javelin Limited, Annual Report (6 Reports)
Child Welfare (2 Reports)
Civil Service Commission (10 Reports)
Co-operative Societies and Credit Unions (18 Reports)
Departmental Salary Details (44 Reports)
Departmental Mines / Agriculture / Resources (15 Reports)
Economy, The (23 Reports)
Education (48 Reports)
Estimates of revenue and expenditure (33 Reports)
Fisheries Reports (46 Reports)
Forestry Reports (19 Reports)
Health (29 Reports)
Jubilee Guilds of Newfoundland and Labrador Annual Report (16 Reports)
Kiwanis Music Festival Programmes (3 Reports)
Kiwanis Music Festival Syllabus (6 Reports)
Local Roads Report (13 Reports)
Memorial University Extension Services Annual Report (26 Reports)
Memorial University Annual Report University Library
Memorial University College, Library Handbook
Memorial University Orientation Week Program (8 Handbooks)
Memorial University Student Directory (6 Directories)
Memorial University Student Handbook (39 Handbooks)
Memorial University Summer Session
Municipal Statistics (19 Reports)
Newfoundland Annual Report (24 Reports)
Newfoundland Archives, Annual Report (7 Reports)
Newfoundland and Labrador Budget Speech (74 Reports)
Newfoundland Light and Power Company Annual Report (40 Reports)
Newfoundland Medical Register / Directory (45 Reports)
Newfoundland Museum, Annual Report (6 Reports)
Newfoundland Natural History Society Report (9 Reports)
Newfoundland Tuberculosis Association (17 Reports)
Newfoundland Postal and Telegraph Department (6 Reports)
Newfoundland Public Libraries Board Annual Report (49 Reports)
Newfoundland Yearbook and Almanac (71 Almanacs)
Public Accounts of the Province of Newfoundland (57 Reports)
Public Utilities (21 Reports)
Public Welfare (20 Reports)
Research Matters
Royal St. John's Regatta Souvenir Programme (53 Programmes)
Social Services (8 Reports)
Society of United Fishermen (4 Reports)
Tourism (10 Reports)
Transportation (1 Report)
Workmen's Compensation Board, Annual Report (26 Reports)
Women's Institutes (3 Reports)
View annual Yearbooks on the DAI.
If you have a Newfoundland / Labrador question please contact the Centre for Newfoundland Studies.
Memorial University - Centre for Newfoundland Studies