Called Upstairs - Hymns
"Ernîk erligidlarpagit," composer unknown.
Audio a) sung by the Nain Choir, 2000; Audio b) performed by the Nain Brass Band, n.d.
Courtesy of the Oĸâlaĸatiget Society Broadcaster and the Nain Moravian Church Choir.
Score manuscript in the hand of Levi Nochasak.
"Iniksalik/Yet there is room," (1875), Ernst Wilhelm Woltersdorf and Dora Rappard.
Audio sung by the Nain Choir from 1966 recording by Joe Goudie. Courtesy of the
Oĸâlaĸatiget Society Broadcaster and the Nain Moravian Church Choir.
Score (1963) manuscript facsimile in the hand of Rev. Siegfried Hettasch.
Courtesy of the Agvituk Historical Society, Hopedale.
"Takkotigilarminiptingnut/God be with you till we meet again," (1890) by Jeremiah Rankin
and William Tomer. Audio sung by the Hopedale Moravian Choir and the Innismara Vocal
Ensemble (2011). Recorded for the film Till We Meet Again; Moravian Music in Labrador.
Courtesy of the artists and Nigel Markham, producer.
Score based on parts in the manuscript collection of the Nain Moravian Church.