Handbooks to the Course of Study

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The Handbooks to the Course of Study were a series of pamphlets produced by the Newfoundland Department of Education in the late 1930's to introduce the "new curriculum" to the teachers of the Newfoundland. In September 1936 this curriculum was introduced across the island.


Up to 1935 there was no prescribed curriculum for Grades 1 to V. The educational reforms proposed by the Commission of Government in 1935 included a new emphasis on Geography, Science, Music, Art and Physical Education in elementary schools. Guides were prepared detailing the teaching of these and other curriculum subjects. Some subjects were grouped together; for instance, History, Geography and Civics are covered in the Social Studies Handbook while Nature Study, Science, Health and Physical Education are together in another handbook. The Handbooks were printed circa 1937 and reprinted several times in the early 1940's.

In addition to the Handbooks, the Curriculum Supplements A & B (1937, 1939 & 1941) list the textbooks prescribed in elementary grades for those years. These can be found in the
Program of Studies Collection

Education Library NL Digital Resources