Digitized Periodicals from the Centre for Newfoundland Studies

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(16 Issues) 1972-1975

Published by the Harbour Grace Area Development Association


(4 Issues)

The Monthly Publication Of The Memorial University Progressive Conservative Club News And Views About Newfoundland Politics

Published by the Church of England – Diocese of Newfoundland.

Published every other month by Bowater's Newfoundland Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd., Corner Brook, Nfld. W. S. Sheppard, editor, E. W. Kean, manager

The B.U.M.

(2 Issues) 1976

The Best of University Madness, Corner Brook

The Cadet

(25 Issues) Published 1914-1924

Published 1914-1924 by the Catholic Cadet Corps. The CCC was one of the para-military youth brigades which contributed soldiers to the Newfoundland First World war effort.

Canadian Red Cross Society, Junior Red Cross, Newfoundland Division

The Caribou

(3 Issues) Published 1977-1979

The Caribou was an annual publication of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. The purpose of the publication was to keep Regimental members informed of current activities as well as including articles of a historical nature.

Catalogue of Presents

(1 July 1918)

Published by the Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada.

Churchill Falls News

(6 Volumes) Published 1967-1973

Published weekly by Churchill Falls Labrador Corporation.

College Courier

(2 Issues) Published 1946-1947

Student newspaper of Prince of Wales College.

College Scope

(3 Issues) 1979

Published in Corner Brook by Memorial University Regional College Student Council.

Colonial Commerce

(4 Issues) Published 1915-1919

Colonial Commerce is a monthly review of the activities of the Board of Trade and the economic news of Newfoundland. It was edited and published by P.K. Devine.

The Compass

(11 Issues) 1967-1969

Published by The College of Fisheries.



American magazine with the article “The sinking of the S.S. Arctic” by John Durant (p. 57-60).


(4 Newsletters) Published 1970

Newsletter for Memorial University Coughlan College Residence.

Also see the Ultimate Press.

Dateline Labrador

(9 Issues) 1964-1967

Dateline Labrador was published monthly by EWART YOUNG, Editor and Publisher, from an office in the SIR WILFRED GRENFELL HOTEL, Wabush, Labrador, Newfoundland.


(2 Issues) 1969

Journal of the MUN Medical School

The Distaff

(2 Issues) Published 1916-1917

Published 1916-1917 by the Royal Gazette of St. John's was sponsored by the Women's Patriotic Association of Newfoundland (the W.P.A.). It contains much about the impact of the Great War on the home front and on women's activities during the war years.

The Drift

(1 Issue) 1963

Published by The Newfoundland Arts Centre and Theatre Workshop

Easter Lily

(Easter, 1917)

Published by J.P. Gleeson.

The Echo, Waterford Hospital

(1 Issue) April 1957

This publication is a cooperative effort of the patients and staff - The Hospital for Mental and Nervous Dlseases, Waterford Bridge Road, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada.

Family Fireside

(20 Issues) Began publishing in 1924 last issue located Nov. 1958

Monthly newspaper published by Gerald S. Doyle, it carried news of the province including births, marriage and deaths.

The Federator

(9 Issues) 1953-1956

The Federation was published 4 times a year by The Newfoundland Federation of Labour.

Fleur de Lis

(10 Issues) 1920-1925

The Official Organ of the Boy Scouts Association, Newfoundland.

Issued bi-monthly by the Department of Community & Social Development, Confederatlon Bulldlng, St. John's, Newfoundland

Fogo Star

(5 Issues) 1968-1969

Fogo Island Improvement Committee


(1 Issue) 1946

Student magazine of the Ex-servicemen's School and evening classes at the Adult Education Centre, at St. John's. Contains fiction, humour and wartime recollections alongside school business.

The Gay Association in Newfoundland

(20 Issues) 1983, 1985-1986

Newsletter published by the Gay Association in Newfoundland.

The Georgian

(The Georgian, 1973-08-02, Vol. 02, No. 37)

Special feature issue of The Georgian on the Labrador Linerboard official opening August 3, 1973.

Great War Vol. 9 Pt. 155

(4 August 1917)

Issue of British magazine that contains photos of the Newfoundland Regiment.

Gros Morne News

(19 Issues) 1973-1974

Published by the Department of Mines, Agriculture & Resources.


(3 Issues) 1945

A quarterly magazine published by the United States Army Air Forces Air Transport Command North Atlantic Division, Stephenville NL for the Personnel of Harmon Field, it aimed to depict "all phases of life at Harmon".


(6 Issues) 1991-1993, 1996-2000

Headlines is a weekly summary of press clippings and broadcast items on subjects pertaining to Memorial University of Newfoundland.

Here in Newfoundland

(9 Issues) 1956-1957

Published monthly by Venture Publications St. John's NL, contains special news features, sports and women's columns, fiction and advertisements.

Illustrated Number

(7 July 1940)

Issued to Commemorate the Consecration of the most Reverend John M. O'Neill as Bishop of Harbor Grace

Imperial Oil Review

(2 Issues) 1941, 1945

Published periodically by Imperial Oil Limited. These issues contain Newfoundland content.

Marine Man Newsletter

(8 Issues) 1971-1974

There seemed consensus among the participants at the recent Maritime Anthropology Meeting held in San Diego, California, (Nov. 1970) that communication among scholars interested in various aspects of marine human adaptations be maintained and expanded. There were also suggestions that a Newsletter be started to help serve this end.

Methodist Monthly Greeting

(23 issues) 1891-1894

Newfoundland Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada

A bulletin on the College Library containing a list of books recently acquired as well as any other news about the Library likely to be of general interest.

A "Special Newfoundland Edition" of this Canadian journal.

Published by the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

MUN News

(6 Volumes) 1973-1990

Published by the Information Office, Division of Public Relations Memorial University of Newfoundland.

MUN Newsletter

(17 Volumes) 1955-1965

A series of Newsletters which was issued at regular intervals from the President's office at Memorial University

MUN Notes

(29 Volumes) 1977-1981

MUNotes are for busy people who may not have the time (or the inclination) to read detailed reports about Memorial University. Highlights of campus news will be presented.

MUN Sports Camps Bulletin

(4 Issues) 1991-1992

Published by Memorial University School of Physical Education and Athletics.

MUNSA Newsletter

(11 Issues) 1972-1973

Published by Memorial University of Newfoundland Staff Association.


(3 Issues) 1971, 1974

Published by the Newfoundland Association of Public Employees.

Newfluor News

(19 Issues) 1968-1975

Published by Aluminum Co. of Canada in St. Lawrence.

Published by the Newfoundland Division of the Community Planning Association of Canada.

Newfoundland Companion

(1 Issue) 1946

Editor and Publisher: Cyril D.B. Knight.

The Companion will fulfil a dual purpose: 1) To add something worth while to local literature 2) To give outlet to more material from local writers.

The object of the letter is to inform all field workers of what is taking place in the Department with special emphasis on new legislation, new policies and the current stages of development of present policies.

Issued quarterly from the Department of Rehabilitation and Recreation Confederation Building, St. John's, Newfoundland.
Editor: A. J., McCrowe
Associate editors: R. W. Moore, A. W. Pike, E. Maddock, G. Snow, M. Russell
Publication staff: Coleen Martin, Lloyd Tucker

Newfoundland Eye Opener

(2 Issues) 1964

Published every second month, Ron Pumphrey editor, contains articles, stories and advertisements.

Published by J.H. Adams, St. John's NL contains articles, poems and advertisements.

Newfoundland Fisherman

(40 Issues) 1952-1962

Published by Guardian Associates Ltd. for the Newfoundland Federation of Fishermen.

Newfoundland and Labrador Engineer

(14 Issues) 1966-1972

Published by the Association of Professional Engineers of Newfoundland.

Published by the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Municipalities.

Newfoundland Journal of Commerce

(280 Issues) Published 1933-1970

Monthly journal owned and published by the Newfoundland Board of Trade.

Newfoundland Logger

(16 Issues) Published 1959-08 to 1960-12

Grand Falls. Anglo-Newfoundland Development Co. : Paper Industry

Newfoundland News

(2 Issues) Published 1939?-1945?

Compiled from information received from the Department of Home Affairs at St. John's and distributed to Newfoundland Servicemen, Merchant Seamen and Foresters by the Newfoundland Trade Commissioner's office 58 Victoria Street, London, S.W.

Newfoundland News Magazine

(9 Issues) 1938-1943

A monthly journal issued in the interests of Newfoundland and Newfoundlanders.
Printed by Manning & Rabbitts, 16-18 Prescott Street, St. John's.
W. J. Crotty, Editor and Publisher

Newfoundland Magazine

(23 Issues) Published 1917-192?

Published by E.A. Smith, St. John's, N.F. Suspended 192?-1930. Jan 1931 publication resumed under the title Newfoundland Magazine and Commercial Advertiser 1931-19?

Newfoundland Magazine

(23 Issues) Published 1917-192?

Published by E.A. Smith, St. John's, N.F. Suspended 192?-1930. Jan 1931 publication resumed under the title Newfoundland Magazine and Commercial Advertiser 1931-19?

Published by the Newfoundland Department of Health.

The almanac of the Congregational Church in Newfoundland.

Issued By The Department Of Municipal Affairs St. John's, Newfoundland

Published quarterly by the Department of Municipal Affairs and Supply, Government of the Province of Newtoundland, the Councillor is intended to serve those who interest themselves in various aspects of local government.

The Newfoundland Record

(10 Issues) 1962-1963

The main purpose of the Record has been set out elsewhere. Our aim is to help increase the understanding of what is happening in Newfoundland in a period of almost revolutionary change. We want the co-operation of readers in the form not only of letters but of questions about public affairs. We want suggestions also for features that would meet particularly the special needs of our time.

Newfoundland Stories and Ballads

(42 Issues) Published 1954-1974

Edited and published by H. Carter, St. John's, Newfoundland.

Newfoundland Story

(15 Issues)

Quarterly magazine edited and published by Harry Carter St. John's, NL.

Newfoundland Woman

(6 Issues) 1964-1965

Published St. John's, NL by Cassie Brown, formally called "St. John's Woman".

Newsletter of The Chinese Student Society, Memorial University of Newfoundland

New-land Magazine

(47 Issues) Published 1962-1990/91

Edited and published by P.J. Wakeham.

News and Views in Welfare

(64 Issues) 1959-1974

Issued bi-monthlv from the Department of Public Welfare Fort William, St. John's, Newfoundland
Editor: J.A. Clancy
Associate Editors: Joan Earle, Elinor Maddock

NTA Info-Search Bulletin

(7 Issues) Published 1959-1966

The Newfoundland Teachers' Association
Also of possible interest.
NTA Bulletin
NTA Journal

Old Memorials Association. St. John's
Series 1, [no. 1] (Jan. 1940)-ser. 1, no. 3 (June 1940). Vol. 1, no. 1 (Dec. 1940)- .; 1940-194 ?
Precursor to The Muse.

On Site, The Artist in the Environment

(4 Issues) 1982-1983, 1988

The artist in the environment organized by the Art Gallery Memorial University of Newfoundland with funding from the Canada Council.


(1 Issue) 1977-1978

Outlet, Corner Brook Students Union

P.C. Times

(5 Issues) 1973-1976

The P.C. TIMES is a newsletter produced at Provincial Headquarters to inform P.C.'s across the Province of Party activities and items of Provincial interest.

John Howard Society of Newfoundland.

Physics Teaching Today

(4 Issues) 1972-1973

Memorial University of Newfoundland. Faculty of Education.
St. John's : Faculty of Education, Memorial University of Newfoundland; Ceased publication with v. 2, no. 3 (1973).; 1972-1973


(15 Issues) 1990-1992

Sir Wilfred Grenfell College student newspaper

The Record

(January 1898)

Contains articles on and results for various sporting events of the 1870-90s. "Our object in placing this publication before the public is simply to encourage and stimulate sports and sporting in Newfoundland; to provide clubs and athletes with a record of the principal events in our athletic world, and to see that those who excel, or display merit in any particular game or recreation justly receive the recognition their success deserves ... We wish to see Newfoundland sports and Newfoundland athletes taking their proper place among those of other provinces and cities of British North America ... with the introduction of cycling, golf and baseball, and increased enthusiasm in cricket and football, particularly in the latter, Newfoundland sports of all kinds are rapidly gaining in popularity and excellence. Nothing helps so much to make a manly man — noble, good and true — as manly sports and exercises." (p. 1)

Regional Fisheries News

(10 Issues) 1969-1972

Canada. Fisheries and Marine Service. Newfoundland Region.
St. John's : Fisheries and Marine Service, Newfoundland Region; Ceased publication 1975

Shortis Papers

(10 Issues)

Henry Francis Shortis (1855-1935) was a well-known St. John's journalist. He created volumes of hand-written articles, the originals of which are housed in the Provincial Archives, St. John's, Newfoundland. Newfoundland Premier Joseph R. Smallwood had several of the volumes transcribed and these type-written Shortis Papers are digitized here. The featured texts are mostly of an historical nature, and several are authored by people other than Shortis himself.

Sports and Pastimes in Newfoundland

(2 Issues) Published 1911?-1916?

Published by R. Dowden in December of each year. It provides information on sports and sporting events during the year as well as information on World War I enlistments, casualties and those serving in the war.

The Sportsman Pilot

(February 1931, Mar 1939)

1931 issue of this American magazine contains article by Otto Wolff “Vacation hop to Newfoundland.” The 1939 issue contains the article “An aerial vacation to Newfoundland and Labrador.”

St. John's Woman

(22 Issues) 1962-1964

February and March 1962 issues published by Pumphrey Publications St. John's Ltd. all others published St. John's NL by Cassie Brown. June and July 1964 issues titled "Woman".

The Standard

(23 November 1946)

Montreal magazine containing article by Kenneth Johnstone "Newfoundland".

Submarine Miner

(63 Issues) Published June 1954 - August 1959

Published by Dominion Wabana Ore LImited.

The Terra Novan

(16 Issues) 1959-1993

St. John's : Terra Nova Council, Knights of Columbus

The Telegrapher

(5 March 1904)

Published by the Telegraphers’ Association of Newfoundland in Port Blandford.

Theatre Newfoundland

(8 Issues) 1960-1963

It is with great pleasure that we are able to present Theatre Newfoundland. We feel that it will be a big stepping stone in the establishment of Little Theatre in Newfoundland, and a strong bond between the various groups.

It will also be a guide to entertainment for the active theatregoer.

Theatre Newfoundland will be published monthly, and we will welcome comments and suggestions from other theatre groups. It is hoped to use photographs of all theatre activities from all over Newfoundland on our cover, and we look forward to receiving articles, news and photographs from drama clubs, wherever you may be.

This is St. John's

(6 Issues) 1973-1974

"This is St. John's" was published once a month by Graphic Services Limited, St. John's; Manager, Harry Stone; Editor, Paul Sparkes; Contributor,Shirley Newhook; Advertlslng, Dave Murphy and John Over; Delivered free of charge to 10,000 selected homes and businesses throughout St. John's.

This Week Magazine

(25 May 1941)

American magazine containing article by Tracy Richardson “Halfway to Europe”.


(39 Issues) Published 1977-2003

TickleAce featured poetry, fiction and visual art.

Ultimate Press

(1 Issue) 1971

Coughlan Journal for Memorial University Coughlan College Residence.
Also see the Cougwash.

We Have News For You

(22 Issues) 1970-1974

Monthly Newsletters, designed to tell you what is going on at the Archives, news of progress in our redevelopment project, new discoveries, acquisitions and other items of interest to those who are in anyway connected with historical research and related subjects.

West Coast Evangelist

(4 Issues) 1946-1948

The West Coast Evangelist is published by the Clergy of The Deanery of Bay St. George, Diocese of Newfoundland, to promote the religious work of Church and Community.


Amalgamated Regional High School Yearbook of Amalgamated Regional High School Corner Brook, Newfoundland.

The Andopian / The Shield Grand Falls Academy.

Apex Musgravetown U.C.R.H.

Beacon Published by The Pupils of Model High School.

The Central Beacon United Church Central School Bonavista.

The Claretian Published 1953 - 1989? Yearbook of St. Clare's Mercy Hospital, School of Nursing.

The Clarion Amalgamated School Lewisporte

Concept St. Francis Central High School Harbour Grace

The Corona Presentation School Convent Cathedral Square, St. John's.

Curtis Academy Magazine Published 1944-1956. The Curtis Academy's magazine contains stories, poems, and games submitted by students of the school located in St. John's, Newfoundland. Includes portraits and biographies of members of the Methodist and United Church Board of Education involved with the Curtis Academy. It opened on June 15th, 1944 and was destroyed by fire September 1975.

Driftin' West Coast Regional College of Memorial University.

The Echo Bishop Falls Amalgamated School

Flashback Carbonear Integrated School System

The Flight Gander Amalgamated School - Gander Collegiate

Focus Lewisporte Integrated Central High

Fugue Faculty of Medicine Memorial University of Newfoundland

Glovertonian Glovertown Regional High School

The Hilltopper College of Trades And Technology St. John's, NL.

Holy Cross Annual Student yearbook of Holy Cross Academy St. Alban's, Bay D'Espoir.

Holy Cross School Student yearbook of Holy Cross School St. John's

Horizon United Church Academy Carbonear

Inter Nos Academy of Our Lady of Mercy. (St. John's)

The Islander New World Island Central High

The Log College of Fisheries Yearbook

Northern Lights Amalgamated School North West River.

The Periscope Botwood United Church Regional High.

Pink Stripe Published 1947-1998? Student magazine/yearbook of the St. John's General Hospital School of Nursing.

The Port Student magazine/yearbook published by The Pupils of United Church Memorial School Botwood, Nfld.

The Portal St. James Reginal High School, Port-aux-Basques

The Quadruple Record The Salvation Army schools at Windsor, Botwood, Peterview, Point Leamington.

Spencerian Published 1921-1959 Magazine/yearbook of Bishop Spencer College, a Church of England school for girls.

United Collegiate Student yearbook of a United Church high school in St. John’s that was open from 1961-1963 before amalgamating with Prince of Wales College to become Prince of Wales Collegiate.

Yearbook page On the DAI Home Page there is also a Yearbooks tab where you will find a complete listing of all yearbooks on the DAI.

If you require journal issues which have not been digitized or if you have a Newfoundland / Labrador question please contact the Centre for Newfoundland Studies at cnsqeii@mun.ca

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