Finding Aids of the Archives and Special Collections

MF-420A Secret Nation (Screenplay)MF-200Kelland, Donald
COLL-020A.H. Murray Short Story ContestMF-334Kelly, Matilda
MF-145Adams, LawrenceMF-197Kennedy, Monsignor Patrick J.
COLL-036Aid to New Newfoundlanders '79MF-394Keynes, Richard
COLL-191Aidan Maloney papersMF-214Knight, G. Wilson
COLL-364Air Raid Precautions Note BookMF-344Knight, William Blackler
MF-241Alexander, AnneMF-344Knight, William Blackler
OMF-050American Legion, Fort Pepperrell Post, Soiree 88MF-062L'Anse au Clair (Labrador). Church of England Women's Association.
COLL-015Andersen, RaoulCOLL-266Labrador Creative Arts Festival
MF-147Anderson, Hugh AbercrombieMF-063Langdon, John
MF-288Anderson, John MurrayCOLL-199Laurence, Joseph
OMF-025Andrews, DonaldCOLL-147Lawton, Sidney
MF-222Andrews, Maria PatienceCOLL-216Lewis, Olivia
MF-230Another Time 1991, press kitCOLL-205Lewis, Rev. John
MF-050Arnold, Mary EllicottCOLL-008Leyton, Elliott
COLL-068Art Association of Newfoundland and LabradorOMF-002Lind, Henry
COLL-392Artistic Fraud of Newfoundland Incorporated CollectionCOLL-128London Theatre Company
COLL-359Asssociation of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and LabradorCOLL-219Longside Players
MF-389Attenborough, FrederickCOLL-085Lord Taylor of Harlow
MF-185Avalon Book ClubMF-377MacDermott, Hugh
MF-285Avalon Glee ClubMF-170MacKinnon, A.H.
COLL-395Avion PlayersCOLL-375Macpherson, Campbell
COLL-322Ayre, RubyMF-127Maddock, Frederick Bemister
COLL-033Bachelot de la PylaieCOLL-183Major, Kevin
MF-159Bailey, AaronMF-385Manuel Family diary
COLL-170Baird Family papersCOLL-477Manuscript Atlas of the French Cod Fisheries of Newfoundland
COLL-034Banks, JosephMF-081Margaret Walters, Magistrates Court Summons, 1944
MF-003Banks, Sir JosephCOLL-048Matthews, Evelyn
MF-004Bannerman, AlexanderMF-161Matthews, Keith
MF-419Banquo's GhostMF-376May, Dr. William
COLL-323Barban, AndreasMF-164McCarthy, John
COLL-173Barbara Barrett Basement TheatreCOLL-299McCarthy, Olive
COLL-057Barnes, ArthurCOLL-226McDonald, Ian
COLL-028Barrelman Radio ProgramCOLL-156McGrath, James
COLL-178Barrett, BarbaraMF-408McGrath, Richard Thomas
MF-250Barrett, IdaMF-066McGrigor, G.D.
MF-111Bartlett, Captain BobMF-276McNeil, Frances
MF-219Bartlett, GeorgeMF-343Memorandum Concerning the Plantations upon a war with ffrance
MF-005Battle Harbour, Labrador, Anglican Church MissionOMF-011Memorial University College photograph collection
COLL-412Bay Theatre Community PlayersCOLL-214Memorial University of Newfoundland Extension Service Visual and Performing Arts
MF-119Bell, RobertMF-284Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association.
MF-378Bemister, JohnOMF-012Memorial University of Newfoundland photographs
MF-006Benevolent Irish Society, St. John'sCOLL-047Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Geography
MF-007Benger, John W.MF-257Memorial University of Newfoundland, Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER
MF-221Benjamin Irby Way papersMF-162Memorial University of Newfoundland. Centre for Cold Ocean Resources Engineering. C-CORE
MF-195Benjamin LatrobeCOLL-113Memorial University of Newfoundland. Faculty Council of Education
COLL-254Bennett, MyraOMF-018Memorial University of Newfoundland. Faculty of Education, 1974
MF-092Benson, DavidOMF-009Memorial University of Newfoundland. Library.
COLL-324Benson, WilliamMF-154Memorial University of Newfoundland. Old Memorial's Association Study Group.
MF-291Bernstein, MurielCOLL-021Memorial University of Newfoundland. School of Graduate Studies Academic Council.
COLL-061Berry, FredaMF-234Merasheen Island map
COLL-198Bickerdike, Rhoda DawsonMF-348Mercer, Dr. Samuel. Dr. Samuel Mercer papers
OMF-049Bird, WillMF-283Methodist Church Sunday School, Bonavista
MF-194Bishop, E.I.COLL-267Mews, H.G.R
MF-131Bishop, Samuel JamesCOLL-462Micmac Catechism, 1866
MF-295Blackmore, MartinCOLL-318Micmac Prayer Book
COLL-335Blake, MauriceMF-275Midwives' Club
MF-008Blathwayt, Sir WilliamCOLL-016Miller, Florence
COLL-124Boland, RickMF-364Miller, Raymond H.
MF-236Bole, JohnMF-046Miss Lefroy collection
MF-441Bonavista PetitionsMF-176Mission Church Men's Guild (St. John's, Nfld.: Anglican).
COLL-236Bond, Rev. GeorgeMF-181Moir, John
COLL-237Bond, Sir RobertMF-335Montagu, John
MF-337Booth, Evangeline C.MF-157Moore, Dorothea May
OMF-008Boston Newfoundlanders Marathon ClubMF-068Moore, Francis
MF-138Bourquin, TheodorMF-104Moravian Church
MF-340Bowers, Patrick RaymondMF-205Moravian Church
COLL-157Bowring FamilyMF-163Moravian Church, Hebron
COLL-311Bowring Park Photograph Albums by Rudolph CochiusCOLL-264Morgan, Bernice
MF-272Bowring, Sir Edgar RennieMF-252Morgan, G. Lloyd
MF-390Brennan, CarolineMF-274Morgan, Herbert B.
MF-043British Library. Manuscript, Additional 5795COLL-083Morgan, M.O.
MF-001British Library. Manuscript. Additional 13972COLL-259Morine, Sir Alfred B.
MF-038British Library. Manuscript. Additional 15492 Vol. 1-22 Admiralty correspondence, 1696-1697MF-279Morris, Ann
MF-045British Library. Manuscript. Additional 42223 Matthews Collection, Vol. XLII. Prerogative Court of Canterbury Abstracts, 1702-1728MF-315Morris, Michael William
MF-093British Library. Manuscript. Additional 43532ff. 148, 157. Papers of Lord Ripon relating to Newfoundland, 1892-1895COLL-405Morris, Sandy
MF-095British Library. Manuscript. Additional 43559, ff. 135-178. Papers of Lord Ripon relating to Newfoundland, 1892-1895MF-070Morry family
MF-094British Library. Manuscript. Additional 43637, ff. 14, 16. Papers of Lord Ripon relating to British Library. Manuscript. Papers of Lord Ripon relating toMF-387Moss, William Pearce
MF-002British Library. Manuscript. Additional 5489, F. 41.MF-037Mrs. Goodford correspondence
MF-039British Library. Manuscript. Additional 5540, f.23, Memorandum, 1795MF-087Mullock, John Thomas
MF-080British Library. Manuscript. Additional 6820, f.185MF-121Munn, Robert S.
MF-042British Library. Manuscript. Additional 7099. Accounts of the expenses of Henry VII, 1497OMF-037Murphy, J.F.
MF-171British Library. Manuscript. Captain Edward Wynne letters, 1630MF-073Murray, Alexander
MF-040British Library. Manuscript. Egerton 921, State of the Trade to Newfoundland,1705-1706COLL-158Murray, Janet (Miller) Ayre
MF-173British Library. Manuscript. Sloan 3662, ff. 24-26, Calvert family papers, 1670MF-410Murray, Myles
MF-029Brother Edwards, Moravian MissionaryMF-265Myrick, John
MF-351Brothers, Richard. Richard Brothers printsC0LL-296Neal, George
MF-010Brown FamilyCOLL-074Neary, Stephen
COLL-115Brown, CassieCOLL-391Neighbourhood Dance Works
COLL-218Brown, LoisMF-152Netten, Theophilus
COLL-187Browne, Patrick W.MF-151Netten, William
MF-109Browne, William J.COLL-177Nevitt, Joyce
MF-011Browning, Thomas BlairCOLL-130Newfie Bullet
MF-199Bruton, Francis ArchibaldMF-052Newfoundland-Spanish Cod Fisheries, 1583.
MF-012Buchanan, ArchibaldMF-260Newfoundland Academy of Art
MF-251Buchanan, RobertaMF-372Newfoundland Agricultural Society
COLL-162Buehler, RichardCOLL-180Newfoundland and Labrador Drama Festival
MF-413Burrows, RuthMF-215Newfoundland Association in Aid of the Deep Sea Mission on on Labrador
MF-303Burry, Dean MichaelCOLL-196Newfoundland Colonial Secretary Office Census of Newfoundland 1911-1921
MF-013Burt, JamesMF-074Newfoundland Constabulary and Fire Department
MF-169Butler, Samuel RussellMF-339Newfoundland Election Trials, a drawing
COLL-155Butt, A.B.MF-266Newfoundland Hotel (St. John's, Nfld.)
COLL-032Butt, GraceCOLL-062Newfoundland Library Association
MF-014Byng, JohnCOLL-261Newfoundland Lumbermens Association
MF-224Byron, JohnCOLL-151Newfoundland Outport Nurses and Industrial Association (NONIA)
OMF-042Cabot, JohnCOLL-144Newfoundland Performing Arts Scripts
COLL-122Cahill, TomCOLL-169Newfoundland Performing Arts Theatre Reviews
MF-165Cameron, DonMF-244Newfoundland Savings Bank
COLL-337Canadian Association of College and University Student ServicesMF-254Newfoundland Stamp Exchange
COLL-066Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, NewfoundlandMF-263Newfoundland Transportation Company Limited
MF-255Canadian Sealers' UnionCOLL-129Newfoundland Travelling Theatre Company
MF-017Cantwell, JamesMF-281Newfoundland. Board of Liquor Control: permit, 1923-1960.
COLL-474Captain Kevin Keegan collectionMF-076Newfoundland. Department of Assessor: income tax forms
MF-332Carbery, EllenMF-227Newfoundland. Dept. of Defence
COLL-012Carew, S.J.MF-267Newfoundland. Dept. of Education
COLL-518Carpenter Family FondsMF-175Newfoundland. Dept. of Public Welfare, Labrador Services Division
MF-261Carroll, William JosephMF-077Newfoundland. House of Assembly, Newfoundland Railway report, 1897
MF-191Carson, WilliamMF-264Newfoundland. Royal Newfoundland Regiment.
COLL-045Cathedral of St. John the BaptistMF-299Nichol, Don
MF-321Cave, William HenryMF-397Norma and Gladys, schooner
MF-228CBC Great Newfoundland Novel ContestCOLL-067Norman Duncan papers
MF-150Chancey, Margaret MayoCOLL-195Northern Ranger Logbook
COLL-451Change Islands Theatre Material CollectionMF-359Nunaksoamiut Players
MF-106Chesshyre, RobertMF-149O'Driscoll, Michael
MF-026Chichester, CharlesCOLL-239O'Meara, Terence
COLL-002Child Welfare AssociationCOLL-123O'Neil, Frankie
OMF-040Chimmo, WilliamMF-586Oh! You Nasty Nazi Man: Novelty March Song from Newfoundland
COLL-228Chislett, AnneCOLL-131Oil In The Family Radio program
MF-009Church of England School, (Haystack)MF-085Outerbridge, Sir Leonard
MF-361Classique International Model ManagementCOLL-140Outport Arts Foundation
COLL-174Cluett, FrancesMF-382Palliser, Hugh, Sir
COLL-009Coaker, Sir WilliamCOLL-406Peace-A-Chord Collection
COLL-055Cochrane, JohnMF-391Pelley, Marina
COLL-121CODCOMF-353Percy, John
MF-020Columbus Ladies AssociationCOLL-053Perlin, Rae
OMF-021Community Planning Association of Canada, Newfoundland DivisionCOLL-328Perlin. Albert
COLL-035Community Planning Association of Canada. Newfoundland DivisionMF-179Petite, Gordon
COLL-084Condon, MichaelCOLL-150Peyton Family
OMF-022Cook, JamesMF-278Philip Bromfield
COLL-415Cook, Maxwell collectionMF-417Pike, Bartholomew
MF-311Coombs, DeborahCOLL-005Pinsent, Gordon
MF-370Cooper, GeorgianaCOLL-013Porter, Helen
MF-370Cooper, GeorgianaMF-355Power, Gregory
MF-318Cormack, William EppesMF-133Pratt, Calvert C.
COLL-221Corner Brook PlaymakersMF-396Pye, Frances
MF-350Corner Brook, Armorial BearingsMF-434R. G. Reid
MF-056Cox, DudleyCOLL-431Ralph, Gordon
COLL-439Cox, DudleyMF-342Reardon, Rev. Vincent
COLL-027Crawford, JamesCOLL-333Rees, Rainer
COLL-073Crosbie, John C.MF-369Rennie Family Papers
MF-347Crowley, Mary. Mary Crowley papersCOLL-411Republic of Doyle
MF-201Cyrus West Field correspondenceCOLL-258Rideout, Tom
MF-421Da Slyme (Band)MF-246Ritcey, John
COLL-094Darby, Jessie G.MF-072Robert Gear MacDonald correspondence
MF-134Davey, JohnOMF-047Robert John Kent papers
MF-248Davidson, Sir Walter EdwardMF-031Robert William Facey papers
MF-022Davison, Mrs. RalphCOLL-078Roberts, Edward
MF-142Dawe, Hugh MaxwellCOLL-185Roche, Edward Patrick
MF-239Dawson, J.W.COLL-269Rompkey, William
MF-304Day, James WentworthMF-247Rorke family
MF-304Day, James WentworthCOLL-502Rosenberg, Neil V.
MF-132De Fourquevaux papersCOLL-472Rossley Kiddie Company
MF-358Demarest, VoorhisMF-211Rouleau, Ernest
COLL-133Department of Theatre, Grenfell Campus, MUNOMF-045Rouse, Oliver
MF-208Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, White HillsCOLL-077Rowe, Frederick. Dr. Frederick Rowe Fonds
COLL-229Devine, MarieCOLL-030Royal Commission on Canada's Economic Prospects, 1956
MF-329Dickenson, EthelCOLL-314Royal Newfoundland Regiment
MF-186Dickman, Ilka DeutschCOLL-050Rubia, Geraldine
COLL-161Dicks, EileenCOLL-234Ruggles, C.F.
COLL-371Dohaney, M.T.COLL-089Russell, Ted and Dora
MF-187Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation (Wabana, Nfld.)COLL-071Rusted, Nigel
COLL-070Dorothy Inglis papersCOLL-024Ruth Roach Pierson papers
MF-338Douglas, HowardCOLL-343S.H. Parsons Photograph Collection
COLL-106Duckworth, Sir JohnCOLL-503S.H. Parsons Views of Newfoundland Photograph Album
COLL-037Duder, EdwinMF-167S.S. Sagona
MF-326Duggan, Alphonsus GregoryMF-193Sack, Steve
COLL-248Duley, MargaretMF-090Sara Mickle correspondence, 1896-1900
COLL-031Dunfield, Caroline WithersCOLL-402Schrader, Frank
COLL-006Dunfield, Sir BrianCOLL-206Schwall, Mary
COLL-399Earle, FredMF-156Sclater, William
MF-188East End Neighbourhood Improvement ProgramMF-060Scott, David
COLL-355Ecke, RobertMF-098Sedier, G.
COLL-142Edward John Goudie papersCOLL-176Sellars, Walter
COLL-001Effie M. Morrissey shipMF-204Selous, Frederick
MF-177Ellis, Harold F.MF-079Sexton, Ethel
MF-259Ernestina (Ship)COLL-453Shakespeare By The Sea Collection
MF-357Evans, Sir Francis HenryMF-371Shallop Cove, Roman Catholic School diary
MF-030Evening MercuryMF-018Shelburne, William Petty
COLL-069F.W. Peacock papersCOLL-437Shepard, Leslie
COLL-029Fallon, LukeMF-024Shirley Dobson-Gilroy collection
COLL-422Faris, JamesMF-245Simms, Leonard
MF-139Fay, C.R.MF-297Simms, Walter
MF-207Feild, EdwardMF-025Sir Charles Douglas papers
COLL-181Fenwick, PeterMF-100Sir Edmund Gosse papers
MF-168Fishermen's Protective UnionMF-306Sir Humphrey Gilbert
MF-174Fishery Products Limited (Nfld.).MF-069Sir Richard Goodwin Keats: Memorial, 1813
COLL-438Foreman, JohnCOLL-058Skirving, Harvey
MF-404Forsey, MarieMF-071 MF-071Slade and Company, Moss
MF-392Foss, Harvey FreemanMF-101Slade and Kelson journals
MF-064Fox, ArthurCOLL-075Smallwood, J.R.
MF-243France. Archives de la Marine, Crew AgreementCOLL-285Smallwood, J.R.
OMF-027France. Archives de la Marine: DocumentsMF-365Smallwood, Reginald. Reginald Smallwood manuscript
MF-120France. Commissaire du Departement.COLL-215Smith, Lorraine and Jackson, Stephen
COLL-494Francis, David "Newfoundland trip, 1947"MF-189Smith, William
MF-166Fraser, Rev. Donald AllanCOLL-088Snow, Graham
COLL-193Frecker, G.A.COLL-044Sons of Temperance. Grand Division of Newfoundland. Grand Bank Division
COLL-192Frecker, HelenaMF-216Soulsby, Gladys E. Gladys E. Soulsby papers
COLL-294Freeman, CharlesCOLL-394Sound Symposium
COLL-469French, DavidCOLL-190Southcott, Mary
COLL-276Frew and TessierCOLL-263Sparkes, Grace
MF-033Friede, NatanMF-182Speck, Frank. Frank G. Speck papers
COLL-346Frost, Charles SydneyCOLL-253Spencer, Erle Rose
COLL-317Froude, DonaldCOLL-250Squires, Sir Richard
MF-367Froude, Eldon. Eldon Froude photographsMF-097St. John's Auxiliary Fire Service
MF-099Furness, Withy and CompanyMF-184St. John's Book Club
COLL-146Gard, PeterCOLL-051St. John's Folk Arts Council
MF-035Gardiner, Dr. SylvesterCOLL-409St. John's Players
MF-319Garland, CharlesMF-320St. John, William Charles
MF-135Garland, John BingleyMF-112St. Malo (France) documents.
MF-325Garland, S. E.MF-330St. Thomas, Church of England School, teaching materials
MF-217Gillingham, DaphneCOLL-065Stacey, Alec
MF-036Gledhill, JosephCOLL-370STAGE Project Collection
MF-273Glover, Sir John HawleyCOLL-220Stagg, Bruce
MF-333Godfrey, StuartCOLL-499Steele Family Collection
COLL-134Goldie, TerryCOLL-179Steele, Owen
MF-409Gosling, Armine NuttingMF-178Steer, Michael
COLL-297Gosling, William GilbertMF-122Stewart, John
MF-155Gosse family papersCOLL-251Stirling Family
MF-148Goudie, ElizabethMF-324Stirlings Steak House Menu
COLL-108Gough, WilliamCOLL-011Stoker, John Teasdale
COLL-410Grand Bank Performing Arts CollectionCOLL-243Story, George
COLL-207Great Britain Newfoundland Royal Commission 1933 PhotographsMF-172Story, James
OMF-001Great Britain. Admiralty: fisheries reports, French Shore, and Labrador, 1871 and 1872MF-333Stuart R. Godfrey papers
MF-075Great Britain. Board of Customs and Excise: 'Licence to import produce from the U.S. to Newfoundland', 1804COLL-139Sullivan, J.M.
MF-102Great Britain. Cabinet Office: concerning Newfoundland's political future after World War II, 1943-1948MF-302Sullivan, Rose M.
COLL-004Great Britain. Colonial Office: Annual returns of the Colony of Newfoundland 1830, 1832 and 1835MF-290Summers, Elizabeth
OMF-019Great Britain. Committee for Trade and Plantations: report by Sir William Poole, on conditions in Newfoundland,1677MF-341Swansborough, William
OMF-006Great Britain. Committee for Trade and Plantations: Report by William Taverner, HM Surveyor of Newfoundland, 1714COLL-232Tait, Robert H. The Robert H. Tait Fonds
MF-044Great Britain. Court of Chancery. Charter of Avalon, granted to Sir George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, 1623MF-313Tasker, Patrick
MF-103Great Britain. Dominions Office. Reports of economic stability and political future of Newfoundland after World War IIMF-130Taylor, Captain Joseph
MF-041Great Britain. Sovereign: King William's instructions for Colonel Gibson in command of the expedition to Newfoundland, 1697MF-256Taylor, Gordon
MF-107Great Britain. Treasury: documents concerning the economic stability and political future of Newfoundland after World War IIMF-229Taylor, Marguerite
COLL-268Great Eastern (Radio)MF-225Templeton, Dorothy
COLL-281Grenfell Labrador Medical MissionMF-327The Boys of St. Vincent
MF-383Grenfell Labrador Medical MissionCOLL-203The Cater Andrews Collection
MF-323Grenville, NancyCOLL-137The Geography Collection
MF-047Griffith, Mrs. Charles, International Grenfell AssociationMF-375The Lady of Avenel, ship
MF-158Gushue-Taylor, GeorgeMF-218The Narrows, St. John's
COLL-429Gustav Anderson Photograph AlbumCOLL-126The Resource Foundation for the Arts. (Mummers Troupe)
MF-128Guy, JohnCOLL-136Theatre Newfoundland and Labrador
MF-048Guy, JohnCOLL-308Thomas F. Nangle
MF-049Guy, JohnMF-116Thomas Miles correspondence, 1858
COLL-265Guy, RayMF-067Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of Newcastle.
MF-399Guy, RaymondCOLL-003Thompson Family
COLL-316Gwyn, SandraMF-034Timothy Gallavan papers
MF-140H.M.S. RoseCOLL-413TreeTop Theatre
COLL-039Harding, WilliamCOLL-334Troake, Gary
COLL-307Harrington, MichaelMF-418Trust Me (Script)
MF-269Harris, Elizabeth GeorginaCOLL-152Tuck, Leslie
COLL-041Harvey, MosesCOLL-213Tucker, George H.
MF-296Hay, James B.MF-352Tucker, Maud
MF-229Hayward, JohnMF-366Tudor, H. Hugh
MF-395Hearts Content Cable StationMF-374Tulk, William
COLL-018Hefferton, SamuelMF-336Underdown, John
MF-368Henley, Edward. Edward Henley photograph collectionOMF-028Union Mining Company
MF-437Henry J. Stabb and Co.MF-237Upper Salmon - Cat Arm Hydroelectric Developments
COLL-327Henry Mott's portraits from Newfoundland Men, 1894MF-322Veduta d'un palco engraving
COLL-249Hettasch FamilyMF-282Verdun F. Locke, ration book
OMF-033Higgins, JohnMF-316Veteran Subscription Form, The
COLL-087Higgins, John GilbertCOLL-397Vey, James
OMF-046Hiscock, ArthurMF-028Victor Du Prae papers
COLL-182Hiscock, EugeneMF-065Viscount Henry Dundas Melville correspondence, 1789
MF-400Hodder, GeorgeMF-293Volk, Maureen
COLL-171Hodgins, CharlesCOLL-148AWalsh, Des
COLL-022Holme, Randle Fynes WilsonCOLL-457Walsh, Don
COLL-127Holmes, JohnMF-143Warr, George
MF-249Honeygold, Thomas.MF-202Warren, Christine
MF-126Hoogendoorn, RobertMF-294Welcome to Canada video
MF-051Hope-Scott, J.R.MF-023Wentworth, Sir Charles Wentworth. Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke collection
OMF-051Hortons PlantationCOLL-252Whalan, Stella
COLL-167Horwood, JoanMF-587What's The Matter With Sally? Opretta in Two Acts for Children
MF-220Horwood, RobertMF-113Whiteley, Albert
MF-053Howe, JosephCOLL-117Whiteley, George
MF-287Howlett, Charles JosephMF-125Whiteway, Louise. Louise Whiteway papers
COLL-262Howley Family PapersCOLL-026Whiteway, Sir William
COLL-241Hubbard, MinaMF-305Wilfred Grenfell Drawing : Christmas Carol from Labrador
COLL-284Illuminated Medieval Liturgical ManuscriptsMF-233Willard De Lue papers
MF-277Inuit LithographsCOLL-347Williamson, Tony
MF-232Jacobsen, Johan AdrianMF-114Willoughby, Sir Percival
MF-435James L. Scaplin 1846-1848OMF-004Willson, Alexander
COLL-014Janes, PercyMF-123Wilson, Edward
MF-055Jeffers, George WilliamMF-019Wilson, James
MF-298Jellison, EarleCOLL-363Winter, Gordon
COLL-414Joanna Gosse CollectionMF-196Winter, H.M.
COLL-201Johnson familyMF-115Winter, Harry
MF-141Johnson, HazelMF-258Wise,Thomas
COLL-240Jones, AndyMF-209Witham, William
COLL-498Joseph Iserhoff DiariesCOLL-052Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland (WAMUN)
COLL-407Joshua M. Brooks property plansCOLL-160Women and History Project
MF-238Journal of Rev William Marshall, Methodist Missionary to Newfoundland 1839-1842MF-331Wood, Thomas M.
MF-238Journal of Rev William Marshall, Methodist Missionary to Newfoundland 1839-1842COLL-110Woods Labour Board
COLL-166Jubilee Guilds of Newfoundland - Newfoundland and Labrador Women's InstitutesMF-027Woodworth-Lynas, Carla
MF-032Jukes, JosephCOLL-419Workshop in Newfoundland Theatre Research
COLL-264Julia MorganCOLL-489World War I Artifacts
COLL-339Kean, JobCOLL-141Wornell, Abe
COLL-217Kearney, JosephMF-198Young, Bennett and Weston
MF-059Keen, WilliamCOLL-095Zonta Club
