Finding Aids of the Archives and Special Collections
A Secret Nation (Screenplay) Kelland, Donald A.H. Murray Short Story Contest Kelly, Matilda Adams, Lawrence Kennedy, Monsignor Patrick J. Aid to New Newfoundlanders '79 Keynes, Richard Aidan Maloney papers Knight, G. Wilson Air Raid Precautions Note Book Knight, William Blackler Alexander, Anne Knight, William Blackler American Legion, Fort Pepperrell Post, Soiree 88 L'Anse au Clair (Labrador). Church of England Women's Association. Andersen, Raoul Labrador Creative Arts Festival Anderson, Hugh Abercrombie Langdon, John Anderson, John Murray Laurence, Joseph Andrews, Donald Lawton, Sidney Andrews, Maria Patience Lewis, Olivia Another Time 1991, press kit Lewis, Rev. John Arnold, Mary Ellicott Leyton, Elliott Art Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Lind, Henry Artistic Fraud of Newfoundland Incorporated Collection London Theatre Company Asssociation of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador Longside Players Attenborough, Frederick Lord Taylor of Harlow Avalon Book Club MacDermott, Hugh Avalon Glee Club MacKinnon, A.H. Avion Players Macpherson, Campbell Ayre, Ruby Maddock, Frederick Bemister Bachelot de la Pylaie Major, Kevin Bailey, Aaron Manuel Family diary Baird Family papers Manuscript Atlas of the French Cod Fisheries of Newfoundland Banks, Joseph Margaret Walters, Magistrates Court Summons, 1944 Banks, Sir Joseph Matthews, Evelyn Bannerman, Alexander Matthews, Keith Banquo's Ghost May, Dr. William Barban, Andreas McCarthy, John Barbara Barrett Basement Theatre McCarthy, Olive Barnes, Arthur McDonald, Ian Barrelman Radio Program McGrath, James Barrett, Barbara McGrath, Richard Thomas Barrett, Ida McGrigor, G.D. Bartlett, Captain Bob McNeil, Frances Bartlett, George Memorandum Concerning the Plantations upon a war with ffrance Battle Harbour, Labrador, Anglican Church Mission Memorial University College photograph collection Bay Theatre Community Players Memorial University of Newfoundland Extension Service Visual and Performing Arts Bell, Robert Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association. Bemister, John Memorial University of Newfoundland photographs Benevolent Irish Society, St. John's Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Geography Benger, John W. Memorial University of Newfoundland, Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER Benjamin Irby Way papers Memorial University of Newfoundland. Centre for Cold Ocean Resources Engineering. C-CORE Benjamin Latrobe Memorial University of Newfoundland. Faculty Council of Education Bennett, Myra Memorial University of Newfoundland. Faculty of Education, 1974 Benson, David Memorial University of Newfoundland. Library. Benson, William Memorial University of Newfoundland. Old Memorial's Association Study Group. Bernstein, Muriel Memorial University of Newfoundland. School of Graduate Studies Academic Council. Berry, Freda Merasheen Island map Bickerdike, Rhoda Dawson Mercer, Dr. Samuel. Dr. Samuel Mercer papers Bird, Will Methodist Church Sunday School, Bonavista Bishop, E.I. Mews, H.G.R Bishop, Samuel James Micmac Catechism, 1866 Blackmore, Martin Micmac Prayer Book Blake, Maurice Midwives' Club Blathwayt, Sir William Miller, Florence Boland, Rick Miller, Raymond H. Bole, John Miss Lefroy collection Bonavista Petitions Mission Church Men's Guild (St. John's, Nfld.: Anglican). Bond, Rev. George Moir, John Bond, Sir Robert Montagu, John Booth, Evangeline C. Moore, Dorothea May Boston Newfoundlanders Marathon Club Moore, Francis Bourquin, Theodor Moravian Church Bowers, Patrick Raymond Moravian Church Bowring Family Moravian Church, Hebron Bowring Park Photograph Albums by Rudolph Cochius Morgan, Bernice Bowring, Sir Edgar Rennie Morgan, G. Lloyd Brennan, Caroline Morgan, Herbert B. British Library. Manuscript, Additional 5795 Morgan, M.O. British Library. Manuscript. Additional 13972 Morine, Sir Alfred B. British Library. Manuscript. Additional 15492 Vol. 1-22 Admiralty correspondence, 1696-1697 Morris, Ann British Library. Manuscript. Additional 42223 Matthews Collection, Vol. XLII. Prerogative Court of Canterbury Abstracts, 1702-1728 Morris, Michael William British Library. Manuscript. Additional 43532ff. 148, 157. Papers of Lord Ripon relating to Newfoundland, 1892-1895 Morris, Sandy British Library. Manuscript. Additional 43559, ff. 135-178. Papers of Lord Ripon relating to Newfoundland, 1892-1895 Morry family British Library. Manuscript. Additional 43637, ff. 14, 16. Papers of Lord Ripon relating to British Library. Manuscript. Papers of Lord Ripon relating to Moss, William Pearce British Library. Manuscript. Additional 5489, F. 41. Mrs. Goodford correspondence British Library. Manuscript. Additional 5540, f.23, Memorandum, 1795 Mullock, John Thomas British Library. Manuscript. Additional 6820, f.185 Munn, Robert S. British Library. Manuscript. Additional 7099. Accounts of the expenses of Henry VII, 1497 Murphy, J.F. British Library. Manuscript. Captain Edward Wynne letters, 1630 Murray, Alexander British Library. Manuscript. Egerton 921, State of the Trade to Newfoundland,1705-1706 Murray, Janet (Miller) Ayre British Library. Manuscript. Sloan 3662, ff. 24-26, Calvert family papers, 1670 Murray, Myles Brother Edwards, Moravian Missionary Myrick, John Brothers, Richard. Richard Brothers prints Neal, George Brown Family Neary, Stephen Brown, Cassie Neighbourhood Dance Works Brown, Lois Netten, Theophilus Browne, Patrick W. Netten, William Browne, William J. Nevitt, Joyce Browning, Thomas Blair Newfie Bullet Bruton, Francis Archibald Newfoundland-Spanish Cod Fisheries, 1583. Buchanan, Archibald Newfoundland Academy of Art Buchanan, Roberta Newfoundland Agricultural Society Buehler, Richard Newfoundland and Labrador Drama Festival Burrows, Ruth Newfoundland Association in Aid of the Deep Sea Mission on on Labrador Burry, Dean Michael Newfoundland Colonial Secretary Office Census of Newfoundland 1911-1921 Burt, James Newfoundland Constabulary and Fire Department Butler, Samuel Russell Newfoundland Election Trials, a drawing Butt, A.B. Newfoundland Hotel (St. John's, Nfld.) Butt, Grace Newfoundland Library Association Byng, John Newfoundland Lumbermens Association Byron, John Newfoundland Outport Nurses and Industrial Association (NONIA) Cabot, John Newfoundland Performing Arts Scripts Cahill, Tom Newfoundland Performing Arts Theatre Reviews Cameron, Don Newfoundland Savings Bank Canadian Association of College and University Student Services Newfoundland Stamp Exchange Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Newfoundland Newfoundland Transportation Company Limited Canadian Sealers' Union Newfoundland Travelling Theatre Company Cantwell, James Newfoundland. Board of Liquor Control: permit, 1923-1960. Captain Kevin Keegan collection Newfoundland. Department of Assessor: income tax forms Carbery, Ellen Newfoundland. Dept. of Defence Carew, S.J. Newfoundland. Dept. of Education Carpenter Family Fonds Newfoundland. Dept. of Public Welfare, Labrador Services Division Carroll, William Joseph Newfoundland. House of Assembly, Newfoundland Railway report, 1897 Carson, William Newfoundland. Royal Newfoundland Regiment. Cathedral of St. John the Baptist Nichol, Don Cave, William Henry Norma and Gladys, schooner CBC Great Newfoundland Novel Contest Norman Duncan papers Chancey, Margaret Mayo Northern Ranger Logbook Change Islands Theatre Material Collection Nunaksoamiut Players Chesshyre, Robert O'Driscoll, Michael Chichester, Charles O'Meara, Terence Child Welfare Association O'Neil, Frankie Chimmo, William Oh! You Nasty Nazi Man: Novelty March Song from Newfoundland Chislett, Anne Oil In The Family Radio program Church of England School, (Haystack) Outerbridge, Sir Leonard Classique International Model Management Outport Arts Foundation Cluett, Frances Palliser, Hugh, Sir Coaker, Sir William Peace-A-Chord Collection Cochrane, John Pelley, Marina CODCO Percy, John Columbus Ladies Association Perlin, Rae Community Planning Association of Canada, Newfoundland Division Perlin. Albert Community Planning Association of Canada. Newfoundland Division Petite, Gordon Condon, Michael Peyton Family Cook, James Philip Bromfield Cook, Maxwell collection Pike, Bartholomew Coombs, Deborah Pinsent, Gordon Cooper, Georgiana Porter, Helen Cooper, Georgiana Power, Gregory Cormack, William Eppes Pratt, Calvert C. Corner Brook Playmakers Pye, Frances Corner Brook, Armorial Bearings R. G. Reid Cox, Dudley Ralph, Gordon Cox, Dudley Reardon, Rev. Vincent Crawford, James Rees, Rainer Crosbie, John C. Rennie Family Papers Crowley, Mary. Mary Crowley papers Republic of Doyle Cyrus West Field correspondence Rideout, Tom Da Slyme (Band) Ritcey, John Darby, Jessie G. Robert Gear MacDonald correspondence Davey, John Robert John Kent papers Davidson, Sir Walter Edward Robert William Facey papers Davison, Mrs. Ralph Roberts, Edward Dawe, Hugh Maxwell Roche, Edward Patrick Dawson, J.W. Rompkey, William Day, James Wentworth Rorke family Day, James Wentworth Rosenberg, Neil V. De Fourquevaux papers Rossley Kiddie Company Demarest, Voorhis Rouleau, Ernest Department of Theatre, Grenfell Campus, MUN Rouse, Oliver Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, White Hills Rowe, Frederick. Dr. Frederick Rowe Fonds Devine, Marie Royal Commission on Canada's Economic Prospects, 1956 Dickenson, Ethel Royal Newfoundland Regiment Dickman, Ilka Deutsch Rubia, Geraldine Dicks, Eileen Ruggles, C.F. Dohaney, M.T. Russell, Ted and Dora Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation (Wabana, Nfld.) Rusted, Nigel Dorothy Inglis papers Ruth Roach Pierson papers Douglas, Howard S.H. Parsons Photograph Collection Duckworth, Sir John S.H. Parsons Views of Newfoundland Photograph Album Duder, Edwin S.S. Sagona Duggan, Alphonsus Gregory Sack, Steve Duley, Margaret Sara Mickle correspondence, 1896-1900 Dunfield, Caroline Withers Schrader, Frank Dunfield, Sir Brian Schwall, Mary Earle, Fred Sclater, William East End Neighbourhood Improvement Program Scott, David Ecke, Robert Sedier, G. Edward John Goudie papers Sellars, Walter Effie M. Morrissey ship Selous, Frederick Ellis, Harold F. Sexton, Ethel Ernestina (Ship) Shakespeare By The Sea Collection Evans, Sir Francis Henry Shallop Cove, Roman Catholic School diary Evening Mercury Shelburne, William Petty F.W. Peacock papers Shepard, Leslie Fallon, Luke Shirley Dobson-Gilroy collection Faris, James Simms, Leonard Fay, C.R. Simms, Walter Feild, Edward Sir Charles Douglas papers Fenwick, Peter Sir Edmund Gosse papers Fishermen's Protective Union Sir Humphrey Gilbert Fishery Products Limited (Nfld.). Sir Richard Goodwin Keats: Memorial, 1813 Foreman, John Skirving, Harvey Forsey, Marie Slade and Company, Moss Foss, Harvey Freeman Slade and Kelson journals Fox, Arthur Smallwood, J.R. France. Archives de la Marine, Crew Agreement Smallwood, J.R. France. Archives de la Marine: Documents Smallwood, Reginald. Reginald Smallwood manuscript France. Commissaire du Departement. Smith, Lorraine and Jackson, Stephen Francis, David "Newfoundland trip, 1947" Smith, William Fraser, Rev. Donald Allan Snow, Graham Frecker, G.A. Sons of Temperance. Grand Division of Newfoundland. Grand Bank Division Frecker, Helena Soulsby, Gladys E. Gladys E. Soulsby papers Freeman, Charles Sound Symposium French, David Southcott, Mary Frew and Tessier Sparkes, Grace Friede, Natan Speck, Frank. Frank G. Speck papers Frost, Charles Sydney Spencer, Erle Rose Froude, Donald Squires, Sir Richard Froude, Eldon. Eldon Froude photographs St. John's Auxiliary Fire Service Furness, Withy and Company St. John's Book Club Gard, Peter St. John's Folk Arts Council Gardiner, Dr. Sylvester St. John's Players Garland, Charles St. John, William Charles Garland, John Bingley St. Malo (France) documents. Garland, S. E. St. Thomas, Church of England School, teaching materials Gillingham, Daphne Stacey, Alec Gledhill, Joseph STAGE Project Collection Glover, Sir John Hawley Stagg, Bruce Godfrey, Stuart Steele Family Collection Goldie, Terry Steele, Owen Gosling, Armine Nutting Steer, Michael Gosling, William Gilbert Stewart, John Gosse family papers Stirling Family Goudie, Elizabeth Stirlings Steak House Menu Gough, William Stoker, John Teasdale Grand Bank Performing Arts Collection Story, George Great Britain Newfoundland Royal Commission 1933 Photographs Story, James Great Britain. Admiralty: fisheries reports, French Shore, and Labrador, 1871 and 1872 Stuart R. Godfrey papers Great Britain. Board of Customs and Excise: 'Licence to import produce from the U.S. to Newfoundland', 1804 Sullivan, J.M. Great Britain. Cabinet Office: concerning Newfoundland's political future after World War II, 1943-1948 Sullivan, Rose M. Great Britain. Colonial Office: Annual returns of the Colony of Newfoundland 1830, 1832 and 1835 Summers, Elizabeth Great Britain. Committee for Trade and Plantations: report by Sir William Poole, on conditions in Newfoundland,1677 Swansborough, William Great Britain. Committee for Trade and Plantations: Report by William Taverner, HM Surveyor of Newfoundland, 1714 Tait, Robert H. The Robert H. Tait Fonds Great Britain. Court of Chancery. Charter of Avalon, granted to Sir George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, 1623 Tasker, Patrick Great Britain. Dominions Office. Reports of economic stability and political future of Newfoundland after World War II Taylor, Captain Joseph Great Britain. Sovereign: King William's instructions for Colonel Gibson in command of the expedition to Newfoundland, 1697 Taylor, Gordon Great Britain. Treasury: documents concerning the economic stability and political future of Newfoundland after World War II Taylor, Marguerite Great Eastern (Radio) Templeton, Dorothy Grenfell Labrador Medical Mission The Boys of St. Vincent Grenfell Labrador Medical Mission The Cater Andrews Collection Grenville, Nancy The Geography Collection Griffith, Mrs. Charles, International Grenfell Association The Lady of Avenel, ship Gushue-Taylor, George The Narrows, St. John's Gustav Anderson Photograph Album The Resource Foundation for the Arts. (Mummers Troupe) Guy, John Theatre Newfoundland and Labrador Guy, John Thomas F. Nangle Guy, John Thomas Miles correspondence, 1858 Guy, Ray Thomas Pelham-Holles, Duke of Newcastle. Guy, Raymond Thompson Family Gwyn, Sandra Timothy Gallavan papers H.M.S. Rose TreeTop Theatre Harding, William Troake, Gary Harrington, Michael Trust Me (Script) Harris, Elizabeth Georgina Tuck, Leslie Harvey, Moses Tucker, George H. Hay, James B. Tucker, Maud Hayward, John Tudor, H. Hugh Hearts Content Cable Station Tulk, William Hefferton, Samuel Underdown, John Henley, Edward. Edward Henley photograph collection Union Mining Company Henry J. Stabb and Co. Upper Salmon - Cat Arm Hydroelectric Developments Henry Mott's portraits from Newfoundland Men, 1894 Veduta d'un palco engraving Hettasch Family Verdun F. Locke, ration book Higgins, John Veteran Subscription Form, The Higgins, John Gilbert Vey, James Hiscock, Arthur Victor Du Prae papers Hiscock, Eugene Viscount Henry Dundas Melville correspondence, 1789 Hodder, George Volk, Maureen Hodgins, Charles Walsh, Des Holme, Randle Fynes Wilson Walsh, Don Holmes, John Warr, George Honeygold, Thomas. Warren, Christine Hoogendoorn, Robert Welcome to Canada video Hope-Scott, J.R. Wentworth, Sir Charles Wentworth. Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke collection Hortons Plantation Whalan, Stella Horwood, Joan What's The Matter With Sally? Opretta in Two Acts for Children Horwood, Robert Whiteley, Albert Howe, Joseph Whiteley, George Howlett, Charles Joseph Whiteway, Louise. Louise Whiteway papers Howley Family Papers Whiteway, Sir William Hubbard, Mina Wilfred Grenfell Drawing : Christmas Carol from Labrador Illuminated Medieval Liturgical Manuscripts Willard De Lue papers Inuit Lithographs Williamson, Tony Jacobsen, Johan Adrian Willoughby, Sir Percival James L. Scaplin 1846-1848 Willson, Alexander Janes, Percy Wilson, Edward Jeffers, George William Wilson, James Jellison, Earle Winter, Gordon Joanna Gosse Collection Winter, H.M. Johnson family Winter, Harry Johnson, Hazel Wise,Thomas Jones, Andy Witham, William Joseph Iserhoff Diaries Women's Association of Memorial University of Newfoundland (WAMUN) Joshua M. Brooks property plans Women and History Project Journal of Rev William Marshall, Methodist Missionary to Newfoundland 1839-1842 Wood, Thomas M. Journal of Rev William Marshall, Methodist Missionary to Newfoundland 1839-1842 Woods Labour Board Jubilee Guilds of Newfoundland - Newfoundland and Labrador Women's Institutes Woodworth-Lynas, Carla Jukes, Joseph Workshop in Newfoundland Theatre Research Julia Morgan World War I Artifacts Kean, Job Wornell, Abe Kearney, Joseph Young, Bennett and Weston Keen, William Zonta Club