Labrador West Dust Study

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In early 1980, the Labrador Institute of Northern Studies, Memorial University of Newfoundland, was retained by the Department of Labour and Manpower, Provincial Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, to carry out a study of dust conditions and health related effects in the Labrador West iron ore mining industry. The study was completed in 1982.

The conclusions and recommendations are presented in the following:
Labrador West Dust Study, Level I Report - Executive Summary, Volume I, Iron Ore Company of Canada, Labrador City
Labrador West Dust Study, Level I Report - Executive Summary, Volume II, Scully Mines, Labrador

Detailed reports on specific points of the study are as follows:
Point I - Study Methodology
Point II - Inplant Dust Studies
Point III - Engineering Audit
Point IV - Medical Studies of the Workforce
Point V - Ambient Air Study
Point VI - Community Health Survey

Additionally, there are two volumes, Labrador West Dust Study, Errata and Addenda to Level II Reports, one for the Iron Ore Company of Canada and the other for Scully Mines.


Memorial University - Faculty of Medicine Founders' Archive