MUNFLA - Digitized Collections

The Memorial University of Newfoundland Folklore and Language Archive is a joint creation of the departments of Folklore and English. MUNFLA was established in 1968 to co-ordinate diverse research in Newfoundland studies undertaken in both departments, to facilitate the mutual use of common material, to organize it for research and publication, and to create a permanent record for future generations.

The archive comprises extensive collections of Newfoundland and Labrador folksongs and music (See MacEdward Leach and the Songs of Atlantic Canada), folk narratives of many kinds, oral history, folk customs, beliefs and practices, childlore and descriptions of material culture.

It has special collections of Newfoundland vocabulary, proverbs and riddles, and houses material for a linguistic atlas of the province. Newfoundland popular culture is an increasing element in MUNFLA's holdings, including commercial recordings, radio broadcasts, and recordings of local theatrical performances.

MUNFLA is a remarkable resource and is based on the contributions of students, faculty and other researchers.