Labrador Moravian - Moraviamiut Labradorime
Labrador Moravian - Moraviamiut Labradorime was first published in Makkovik in 1972 by Reverend Victor Launder. Typing and printing assistance were provided by Reverend Launder's wife, Sylvia. Between 1976-1985, it was produced by Reverend Leslie Robinson and his wife Margrit. Published quarterly, it was distributed to members in the four Moravian Church congregations of Nain, Hopedale, Makkovik, and Happy Valley, to a small congregation (no longer active) in North West River, as well as Moravian fellowships in Postville and St. John's. It contained news from each congregation along with spiritual messages, letters from friends abroad, some history articles, and cover designs by local artists. Printed in both English and Inuttitut, Labrador Moravian - Moraviamiut Labradorime employed unique layouts. Early issues employed two-page parallel English and Inuttitut spreads while later issues could be flipped vertically for continuous English or Inuttitut. It ceased publication in 1987.
Related Collections on the DAI:
Labrador Inuit through Moravian Eyes
Moravian Missions An Illustrated Record of Missionary Work
Periodical Accounts of the Moravian Missions
Nachrichten aus der Bruedergemeine