Haystack Reunion Photograph Collection

Scope and Content: The collection contains 204 copies of original photographs gathered by the Haystack Reunion Committee for inclusion in its commemorative booklet, Haystack Reflections, published in 1997. The images include schools, churches, business premises, work and social activities, special events, Haystack residents, and the changing landscape of the community in the first half of the 20th century. All have been identified and described on MHA photographic database. Families include Gregory, Drake, March, Coffin, Wakely, Gilbert, Wareham, Allen, Halfyard, Paul, Bendle, Best, Johnson, Jarvis, Tulk, Bert, Peach, Quinton, Pike, Reid, Bugden.

Dates: Reproduced 1998 (originally created ca. 1900 - [195-])

Adm. Hist/Bio. Sketch: The Haystack Reunion Committee was established in October 1995 at a meeting held in Come by Chance. It consisted of 22 former residents of Haystack, a community on the northeastern side of Long Island, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. Haystack was largely abandoned in the 1950s, although one resident lived there until 1969.

The objective of the Reunion Committee was to organize a reunion of former residents and their descendants in the summer of 1997 on the site of the former community. In addition to site preparation for the reunion, the reunion booklet, the cemetery restoration project, and the launching of a web site, the committee organized a second reunion in 2003.