Digitized Maps from the Queen Elizabeth II Library Map Room
The Map Room, located on the main floor of the Queen Elizabeth II Library, originated in Memorial's Geography Department.
This library holds the largest collection of cartographic materials in Newfoundland and Labrador: over 95,000 sheet maps,
5300 atlases and reference materials and over 45,000 air photographs covering the province. The collection has world-wide
coverage with an emphasis on Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada, and the oceans around the province.
The Map Room holds material from 1900 to the present. Any material that is pre-1900 in the collection is a "facsimile" of
the original item. Pre-1900 cartographic materials of Newfoundland and Labrador are housed in the
Center for Newfoundland
There are a handful of pre-1900 non-Newfoundland and Labrador maps kept in the RARE section of
Center for Newfoundland Studies
The Map Room serves the entire University community but members of the general public are also welcome to use the collection.
Visit https://www.library.mun.ca/researchtools/mapsdatagovdocs/maps/mapcollections/ for more information.