The Monitor

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The Monitor was a monthly journal published in tabloid form by the Roman Catholic archdiocese of St. John's. The first issue was published on February 17, 1934 as a four-page newsletter edited by Rev. T.J. Flynn for St. Patrick's parish. It became a country wide monthly in the 1940s and ceased publication December 2003. In the last issue it says, "The Monitor in those 70 years recorded the history of our church and its response to just about every, social, political, cultural, and religious event in our province."

(Sources: excerpts from the Monitor and the article The Monitor in the Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador, vol. 3, p. 596).

More details about this journal including a list of editors can be found in the Directory of Newfoundland and Labrador Magazines.

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1960 does not contain an August issue

If you have a Newfoundland / Labrador question please contact the Centre for Newfoundland Studies.

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