Whale Release and Strandings Program Reports

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From 1979 to the present day a marine animal release program has operated in Newfoundland. This program responds to calls from fishermen and other individuals concerning accidental entrapments in fishing gear of large marine animals such as whales, leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriaca) and basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus). From 1979 through 1998 the program was run by Memorial University of Newfoundland’s Whale Research Group. The Canadian Coast Guard ran the program in 1999 with assistance from Jon Lien and in 2000 under the direction of Wayne Ledwell. The current coordinators, the independent Whale Release and Strandings Group, were incorporated and have run the program since 2001. Titles designated as "Preliminary Report" are actually the final reports - confirmed via communication with authors.


Memorial University - Centre for Newfoundland Studies

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Centre for Newfoundland Studies

Whale Release and Strandings NL Program

Below are all issues on the DAI in PDF format:

Entanglements in Fishing Gear and Strandings Reported to the Whale Release and Strandings Group in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Summary of the Whale Release and Strandings Program during 2019: a Re Entanglements in Fishing Gear and Strandings Reported to the Whale Release and Strandings Group in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Summary of the Whale Release and Strandings Program during 2020: a Re Entrapments in Fishing Gear and Strandings in Newfoundland and Labrador Reported to the Entrapment Assistance Program During 1993, and Preliminary Reports on the Impact of Acoustic Deterrents on the I Entrapments in Fishing Gear and Strandings in Newfoundland and Labrador Reported to the Entrapment Assistance Program During 1995: a Report to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Newwfoundl Entrapments in Fishing Gear and Strandings in Newfoundland and Labraor Reported to the Entrapment Assistance Program Duiring 1994: a Report to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Atlantic F Entrapments Reported to the Whale Research Group 1979-1980 Incidental Entanglements of Cetaceans and Leatherback Sea Turtles in Fishing Gear during 2010-2011 and a Summary of the Whale Release and Strandings Group Activities: a Preliminary Report Sumbitted to Incidental Entanglements of the Cetaceans and Leatherback Sea Turtles in Fishing Gear Reported During 2011-2012 and a Summary of the Whale Release and Strandings Group Activities: a Preliminary Report Incidental Entrapments and Entanglements of Cetaceans and Leatherback Sea Turtles and Strandings and Harassments Reported to the Whale Release and Strandings Group in Newfoundland and Labrador and a s Incidental Entrapments and Entanglements of Cetaceans and Leatherback Sea Turtles and Strandings and Harrassments Reported to the Whale Release and Strandings Group in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Incidental Entrapments and Entanglements of Cetaceans and Leatherback Sea Turtles, Strandings, Ice Entrapments Reported to the Whale Release and Strandings Group in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Sum Incidental Entrapments and Entanglements of Cetaceans and Leatherback Sea Turtles, Strandings, Ice Entrapments Reported to the Whale Release and Strandings Group in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Sum Incidental Entrapments By Inshore Fishing Gear Reported in 1989: a Preliminary Report to the Development Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Newfoundland Region; and the Newfoundland and Labrador De Incidental Entrapments in Fishing Gear and Strandings Reported to and Responded to by the Whale Release and Strandings Group in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Summary of the Whale Release and Strandi Incidental Entrapments in Fishing Gear and Strandings Reported to and Responded to by the Whale Release and Strandings Group in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Summary of the Whale Release and Strandi Incidental Entrapments in Fishing Gear and Strandings Reported to the Whale Release and Strandings Group in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Summary of the Whale Release and Strandings Program During 2 Incidental Entrapments in Fishing Gear Reported in 2007 in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Summary of the Whale Release and Strandings Program: a Report of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Cana Incidental Entrapments Of Cetaceans, Sharks And Marine Turtles in Inshore Fishing Gear Reported During 1987 in Newfoundland and Labrador: a Preliminary Report to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Incidental Entrapments of Marine Mammals by Inshore Fishing Gear Reported in 1992, Some Results of By-Catch Monitoring and Tes6ts of Acoustic Deterrents to Prevent Whale Collisions in Fishing Gear: In Large Whale Entanglements, Strandings, Ice Entrapments and Selective Sightings Reported to the Whale Release and Strandings Group in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Summary of the Whale Release and St Marine Animal Entrapments in Fishing Gear in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Summary of the Whale Release and Strandings Program During 2004: a Report to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, St. Jo Whale and Leatherback Sea Turtles Incidental Entrapment in Fishing Gear in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Summary of the Whale Release and Strandings Program During 2006: a Report to the Department o Whale and Shark Entrapment Reported to the Entrapment Assistance Program During 1991; and a Test of "Whale Alerts" for Preventing Whale Collisions: a Preliminary Report to the Deaprtment of Fisheries Whale and Shark Entrapments in Inshore Fishing Gear During 1983: a Preliminary Report to Fisheries and Oceans Canada Whale and Shark Entrapments in Inshore Fishing Gear During 1984: a Preliminary Report to Fisheries and Oceans Canada Whale and Shark Entrapments in Inshore Fishing Gear During 1986: a Preliminary Report in Fisheries and Oceans Canada Whale and shark entrapments in inshore fishing gear during a 1985 preliminary report to Fisheries and Oceans Canada Whale Entrapments in Fishing Gear and a Summary of the Marine Animal Disentanglement Assistance Program in Newfoundland and Labrador During 2002: a Report to teh Habitat Stewardship Program of Environ Whale Entrapments in Fishing Gear and other Marine Animal Incidental Entrapments During 2000: a Report to teh Department of Fisheries and Oceans - Newfoundland and Labrador Region Whale Entrapments in Fishing Gear Reported and a Summary of the Whale Release and Strandings Program in Newfoundland and Labrador: a Preliminary Report to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Whale Entrapments in Fishing Gear Strandings and Sightings of Marine Animals and Summary of the Entrapment Program During 2001 - Newfoundland Region: a Report to teh Habitat Stewardship Program of Env Whale Entrapments in Inshore Fishing Gear and a Summary of the Entrapment Assitance Program in Newfoundland and Labrador During 1990: a Preliminary Report to the Fisheries Development Branch of teh De Whale Entrapments in Inshore Fishing Gear During 1982: a Preliminary Report to Fisheries and Oceans Canada Whale, Leatherback Sea Turtles and Basking Shark Entrapments in Fishing Gear in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Summary of the Whale Release and Strandings Programs During 2005: a Report to the Depart Whale, Leatherback Sea Turtles and Basking Sharks Entrapped in Fishing Gear in Newfoundland and Labrador and a Summary of the Strandngs, Sightings and Education Work During 2009-2010: a Preliminary Re