Newfoundland Christmas Annuals
Jump to contentAn important feature of the history of Newfoundland and Labrador periodicals is the annual Christmas issue. Commonly known as the Christmas Number or Christmas Edition, the Christmas issue refers to those numbers which appeared as a supplement to a regular edition, as in the case of newspapers, and those which appeared annually as independent editions. These Christmas issues appeared each Christmas, becoming almost a tradition in Newfoundland, a tradition which has all but disappeared over the years, along with most of the copies of those Christmas periodicals. (Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador, Vol. 1, pp. 432-434)
These Christmas Annuals contain poetry, essays, anecdotes, photographs, and stories. There are often advertisements. Most of the writing is local but there are also pieces from U.S. or British publications and authors.
The following index guides are available to assist in using these publications:
Newfoundland Christmas annual : a preliminary index guide (1989)
CD containing [Newfoundland Christmas annuals index] 2008. Available in Centre for Newfoundland Studies Media PS8237 .C57 C582 2008
Newfoundland Christmas annuals: an index guide (2010). Available in Centre for Newfoundland Studies PS8237 .C57 C58 2010
Below are all issues on the DAI in PDF format:
If you have a Newfoundland / Labrador question please contact the Centre for Newfoundland Studies.