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As you type a word or phrase the search will narrow the results and show only titles with that phrase. It is a pattern matching search so if you type the word Don for example, you will see titles like "Group at Donovan's, wedding", "The Honourable Dr. A. Paddon" or "Abandoned building in Burnt Woods" in the title. The more you type the more the search pattern will narrow the results.
Viewing 1 - 20 of 294800
- " 'Le Reel du Squelette': Analysis of a Personal Experience Narrative of �mile Benoit of L'Anse-�-canards, Port-au-Port Peninsula"
- " Be You A Library Missionary, Miss ? " by Jessie Beaumont Mifflin
- " G-ADHM" " Caledonia" at Botwood Harbour
- " The Jack-in-the-box". Tony Upshall, standing centre;Kim Snow, kneeling left;Kelly Warren, kneeling right;Susan Skinner, sitting centre;Rosalind Chaffey, standing right
- "'Beatrice', St. John's, N.F."
- "'Chetwood,' residence of J.J. Astor, Newport, R.I."
- "'Muriel"'
- "'NC 15849', Harbour Grace Airport, about to take off"
- "'Off She Goes:" accordion playing with Melvin Combden, Seldom-Come-By
- "'Olinda', off Hr. Bight"
- "'The News' airplane, Harbour Grace airport"
- "(L-R:) Mary, Sandy, Parker (twelve), Sally and Roger (in front)"
- "(L-R:) Maurice Alfonse, Mary Elizabeth, Francis Parker and Roger Patrick"
- "A Collection of Commonly Used Expressions"
- "A Description of a House in Stephenville, Newfoundland"
- "A Description of Lourdes with the Main Emphasis Being Placed on Socialized and Non-Socialized Groups"
- "A Description of the Interior of the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Monte Drake in the Community of Lourdes on the West Coast of Newfoundland, Bay St. George"
- "A Drill for Girls" book donated by Olivia Shumski of Saskatchewan.
- "A Family Group", Alice Hutchins Weary? and Rev. Edwin� Weary? with two small children, sitting in the garden.
- "A Picnic Group, Exploits". Louise (Winsor) Hutchins is second from the right.